Oh hello, didn't see you there.
Come on in. Don't trip over the cat, no don't do it, he'll eat you - !
Oh. Sorry about the scratches. He does that. Man, we just got those claws trimmed...
Anyway, come on in, come on in. You're here for a reason and that reason is to learn organization and you're a busy person so I'll just show you around and you can be on your way again in no time at all.
Please stop glancing at the door. It's really making me feel put-off.
Come, come, enter my quarters. Allow me to show you how I have my shit together. Sort of.
I'm no expert, but I've got some pearls you may want to hold on to.
So... lets boot up this laptop. Yeah. Oh yeah. How many productivity apps do you see?
Four. Yeah, if you wanna get organized, you're going to need all of them.
One for tasks, one for notes, one for bookkeeping and the other for... um, not sure of the fourth one's purpose, I'll get back to you on that.
See, it's really important to keep records and write things down. You can't trust your mind to remember to do all the things and so - checklists and calendars and folders: they're your friend and -
Um, don't mind that. That's just the computer alert telling me that... I... need to be... at rehearsal... in forty minutes ago.
Um. Shit, I'll uh...
Let's make this quick, yeah? If you've read Getting Things Done (which is a neat-o book, bee-tee-dubs), you know it's important to have a place to "capture" ideas and tasks, I.E. jotting them down in a notebook, and then specifically setting time aside to sort it all out and...
What's that? All those legal pads and journals? Yeah, I've, um... I've not... looked through them...
But look, here's where the things all go - see, this is my task manager app, and things work pretty well here, see, see, SEE?!
And and and there's my notes app which has tones of different folders and tabs, all organized in such a way as to... to...
Oh my god, I haven't sat down and looked at this in a while and... wow, I'm just... I'm a little overwhelmed by how much of a mess my notes app is... it's a wonder I find any ideas at all in here...
Um... I'd better... I'd better add that to the task app... so... um, priority level... not that high, give it a - a, uh, a level three say? Uh hold on, lemme check my calander, when's a good day to...?
Oh. Oh man. Oh I'm literally supposed to be in two places at once right now. Shit, I - well fuck.
Say, could you just jot down your name, number and email real quick? I'll add it to my contact records later, I'll...
Oh god... I... Oh god...